I suffer as well from PCOS I found this

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age.  What happens is, the balance of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are completely off balance, causing an array of symptoms. Most women with this condition suffer from weight gain, irregular menstrual periods, ovarian cysts, acne, increased hair growth, anxiety and/or depression. I was diagnosed 9 years ago and the solution was birth control pills. After trying 10 different oral contraceptives, I finally threw in the towel on traditional medicine. Since then, it has been my sole mission to find a holistic solution to manage my PCOS. A few months ago I received routine blood work and another internal ultrasound. The feedback was this: “Alicia you have absolutely no signs or symptoms of PCOS at all. I healed myself naturally! Here’s how.


  1. Find foods: I found the foods that were working against my body. Insulin has everything to do with PCOS, so I knew I had to be mindful of my blood sugar stability. I eliminated highly inflammatory foods, which included dairy and gluten. I am extremely mindful with my consumption of sugar, alcoholand grains as those foods tend to exacerbate the problem as well. Focusing on lean animal proteins, healthy fats and minimal complex carbohydrates has completely saved me.
  2. Super supplements: I did my research and found out most women who have PCOS are deficient in Inositol and Vitamin D. I believe this is a major secret in the treatment. I immediately saw a difference in my symptoms and menstrual cycle after utilizing these nutrients for 90 days.  As my periods started to normalize, I also used Chasteberry to help manage my PMS. The combination of the two was a huge piece to the PCOS puzzle.
  3. Angry adrenals: In a nutshell, my endocrine system was shot and I knew it was my job to bring it back to life. Stress and fatigue plagued my adrenals everyday. As a result, the cortisol in my body was way too high, and I was not getting any better. Finding ways to reduce these kinds of stressors is absolutely critical for managing PCOS. I found healing through exercise, a healthy sleep cycle, Acupuncture and ridding my life of toxicity in all forms- people, places and things.


When I was first diagnosed, I felt like it was a life sentence of suffering. If you or someone you know has PCOS, please share this article with them. All it takes is some small changes to your diet and lifestyle, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel! It took time, but I am living proof.

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