Pregnancy workouts 🏃‍♀️❤️

Sheila • 🌈👨‍👩‍👧
I've always been very active, even teach PE for a living but once first trimester hit I was so nauseous and fatigued that workouts were not happening as often as they should have. Now that I'm in my second trimester I'm back on the wagon.  We lost our first pregnancy due to the baby being ectopic but our first sign came right after I worked out and went to the bathroom and saw blood. So fast forward to this pregnancy I was super concerned about what I can and can not do since there are many different reports.  (I know the workout didn't cause my baby to be ectopic but I was second guessing everything I knew) 
So I decided I would feel much more comfortable buying pregnancy workouts even though I'm sure I could keep up with some of my beachbody workout.  Let me tell you peace of mind is happiness.  These both are awesome and I would highly recommend.
  I bought both off of amazon.  
Parental physique is a 
5 minute warm up 
15 minute main workout (there are several choice) 
And a 15 minute cool down stretch. 
Just thought I would share