just need to vent...

So not only did I get my period and have some cramps but my SO just ruined my day. We have been arguing for a few days now and today he just told me something that totally broke me. I am living with my parents still and at the moment I'm not working. I know this is not an excuse but not having a car makes things a little more difficult. However I do help around the house and go pick up my siblings from school. And today he just basically told me that I should stop being a lazy ass and do something for myself. Like if he's tired of giving me money and stuff which by the way he does not. He however does pay everything for his baby mama and his own mom. Rent,phone, groceries, bills, insurance etc. And it just hurts me so bad because I have always been there when he needed me. Even helped him look for jobs when he thought he was going to loose his. I've been there throughout his difficult situation. I've been there for him when he was at his worst! When he had a horrible drinking and drug problem. Now that he is has a good position in his job and is working Gigs as well and probably got his taxes back he feels like he's on top of the world. I don't understand why he is making me feel so worthless. It's not my fault he is paying all those things to his baby mama and his mom. Just like it's not my fault he has so many other things to pay. I guess I was expecting too much. I guess I thought I would just get the same support I gave to him back. Now I see how wrong I was.