Bad cramping

Tameka-Leigh • 22 | Bailee-maè my gorgeous daughter | 16.03.18 | I am now engaged !

It's been 12 days since my predicted ovulation day and in two days is when my predicted period is due..

Last monday, I ended up getting a really bad cramping down all my right leg just for no reason and it hurt mostly when I laid down.

Today just now I'm trying to get to sleep for work and I'm getting mild cramping on my left side of my tummy. My appetite has increased but I don't know if these cramping are down to my period being due or something else.

I had sex before and after my ovulation day aswell, no spotting and cm seems egg white and creamy.

I suffer with pcos and have been trying to conceive for nearly up to 3 years, trying not to get my hopes up but normally my period pains seem more vicious and these cramps are mild.

Any ideas?