Am I being a jerk?

My husband recently got a huge tv in our bedroom. He spends every waking moment in our bed watching tv while im at work which is fine I guess since I am at work. Doesn't really matter. However, he lets my stepdaughter do the same when she gets home from school. She eats and lays on my side of the bed all evening until I get home. When I come into the room her dirty socks are laying on my side and I usually find crumbs too on my side. Her shoes and jacket will be on the floor. Idk it annoys me. Like it's my bed and its the one place I want for myself. Or my side at least lol. So after it happening again and again I am in a bad mood and my husband doesn't get why. I have talked to him about her eating in the bed and he said she doesn't anymore but she does. She has her own room with a tv. I even suggested he watch tv in our living room so she can spend time with him out there but nope. Am I wrong to be annoyed?