MIL advice please

Today we found out the gender of our Rainbow baby. It's a GIRL!!! We are over the moon excited to just have a healthy baby. When my SO told my MIL on speakerphone she said, "well you guys going to try again? We need a boy to carry on the name." Those were the worst words to hear, I've been upset all day. We've had two 1st trimester losses and this was amazing news for us because she had a health heartbeat. Everyone else we've told has been very excited so I know I shouldn't let her get to me. I'm just fearful of what she'll say when we actually see her. Every time I've seen her before she always mentions something about baby being a boy. My SO says she's excited but that's not what I heard in her voice. She also made it sound like having "another girl" would be terrible. "But boys are so much fun" she said. And "they can play sports, well I guess girls can too but it's not the same." Please help me not be so upset. I can't wait to meet my princess!!