I'm a mistress.

I'm a mistress and it's nothing to b proud of or glorify. It's one of the worst things you could do.  It's easy to blame me cause I'm the woman but really it's all 3 of our faults. Idk what she's not doing to keep him happy. Idk if they are having martial problems and I don't want to know. I don't want him to leave her and his family for me.  Because that's selfish. He's already spoken for.  I want to leave him and just move on. I deserve too have that life with someone as well. We have been having an affair for 7 months. And he claims he "loves me" and I do love him. But how can I stop everything with him. I've tried numerous times but keep going back. It's much easier said than done. And I know a lot of you are gonna call me names.  And I know I'm in the wrong I'll take full responsibility for that but idk what to do anymore. I know he has sex with her he has tooo there's no way he doesn't (he tells me they don't ) At the end of the day that's who he goes home to that's who has his last name that's who has his kids that's who he's buying a home with and he's living a double life I'm tired of being someone's damn secret.  It wasn't in my intentions to get with a married man I didn't know at first when I found out I tried to leave and that didn't work . I can't love someone that's already spoken for and If he loves me I wouldn't b a secret and if he really loves her he wouldn't b betraying her like this . I feel very guilty and bad.  This all has me depressed idk what to do. I just want to get up and move.  Without telling him and just end it that way .