If You Can't Leave Your Abuser...

This is a message to women who are in an abusive relationship and are afraid to leave. It starts with mean messages. Him calling you a bitch here and there. Then it becomes daily. Then it becomes hourly. Then he's screaming right in your face getting so close you can almost taste the words as they spew out of his mouth. He will say he's story but prove himself wrong after. Not that they can't change. But if it doesn't feel right, don't be afraid to leave. Because sometimes the words and yelling turns into something much more. If it feels wrong or abusive in any way, leave before it's too late because I don't want anybody to ever endure what I have, including the PTSD. I'm now on medications to stop the nightmares. I jump and have panic attacks at loud noises and people sneaking up on me. I can't trust anybody, not even my own family. I just want you to know that it's okay to leave if you need to and if you need anything or any advice on leaving just let me know.