friends with benefits

I really enjoy sex, as everyone should, I have a friend, and we've always had some kind of sexual tension, and we've recently reached a point where we could actually be friends with benefits if we wanted to. I really like the idea of being friends with benefits. My only issue is the fear of being a slut. I've heard rumours that I'm a slut in the past, but didn't care because I knew it wasn't true. I'm 16 I've had sex with three people, two were serious relationships and one was a drunken one night mistake. I guess my concern here and what I'm looking for advise about is whether or not it's slutty to be friends with benefits? I know I shouldn't care what people think but this is more about whether or not their thoughts will be true? I don't really want to be a slut.  I don't know hahahah, this is so stupid. I know there will be hella judging here, but I'm just trying to get some friendly advice please.