How many weeks can a baby come on its own?

I was just wanting to know whats the earliest a baby can naturally come on its own? I'm 35 weeks right now and I'm getting impatient... Lol
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Safely? 37 weeks. 


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Full term at 37 weeks I believe, they come sooner sometimes. Better later though!


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A baby can come on its own as soon as you are pregnant...but safely term (37 weeks) best case 40 weeks. Longer baby cooks the better. Exception being going way over due thats not good either.


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Labor can happen anytime a baby is considered viable living outside the womb around 22 weeks just be patient you only have a few more weeks left itll go by in the blink of an eye My son was born 29+4 was in the nicu 2 1/2 months only needed iv fluids feeding tube billi light for jaundice and incubator hes now 3 1/2 and a terror around the house no reason he just wanted out my daughter was born 37+1 induced for low weight 4lbs 9oz she only needed a heat lamp for a few mins after birth and cane home at 2 days old 


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Umm technically chances are pretty good at 36 weeks. But don't try anything stupid like castor oil or some shit. Just walk and have sex. Baby won't come until ready anyway. 38-40 weeks is ideal for sure.


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Age of viability is 24 weeks. The longer your little one stays cooking the better, obviously. But your child has a good chance at surviving after 24 weeks. 


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My doc says if I go into labor anytime at or after 36 weeks, they won't try to stop it.


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Mine came at 36 weeks, he had to be in the nicu for a couple of days because he was a bit grunty because his lungs still weren't 100% developed and he had jaundice but apart from that he was fine.


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Really the ideal time is 39-40 weeks. My daughter was born at 39 weeks naturally (water broke, no induction or pitocin at all) and my labor was super fast. Babies will MOST likely be 100% fine by 37 weeks but there are some cases where the lungs aren't fully developed yet because they develop all the way until 40 weeks. I wouldn't try to make labor happen until 39 weeks at least. And then go get you some raspberry leaf tea and go for a walk πŸ˜‰


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Those last few weeks drag by but my son is 14 weeks now and omg the time has flown. I gave birth at 39w 3d. But i had my water broken because I had preeclampsia and I went in for an eval and they deemed it was safest to deliver rather than wait. (Bp was 155/90, excessive water retention, ect). I had already been in the early stages of labor all day with contractions every few minutes. I wasn't feeling all of them. I was 3cm dilated 90% effaced and stationed at 0 when i walked ( lets face it. I waddled) in. So really he was on his way. Just had a little nudge because of my health. 5.5hrs of labor and he was here. Dont rush mom, i know it's hard to not be impatient but it will so be worth the wait for that sweet little baby. πŸ’™ i worked up until 38w 5d. Passed the time. Fill your days with something to occupy yourself.