Toxic Shock


A little background: I'm 18 years old, I have a medium pain tolerance, and I have had very irregular periods since I was 11.

So, yesterday, I started my period, suddenly came down with a 101° fever, threw up my lunch, and anything I attempted to eat for supper, and now I'm awake at 3am because abdominal pain woke me up. I just took two Advil in attempt to relieve the pain. I've experienced cramping during my period but never like this; this pain is similar to a UTI kind of pain except I know it's not a UTI. I experience some pain when urinating, but that pain stays with me. It could be a UTI, or the flu, I want to think, instead of Toxic Shock Syndrome, but my paranoia is building, and I'm terrified that I might actually have TTS (and constantly researching about isn't helping). My body is sore, like usual when I have a fever. I feel nauseous. I feel dehydrated. I don't know what to do except tell my mother when she gets up for work and pray I miraculously feel better by then because the extensive treatment and possible medical bills also shocked me. And also drink water and watch Netflix on mute in attempt to distract myself.