Should parents teach their children to hit back?

BlissfullySweet • Married to my awesome husband 💑👫 Mommy to my precious boy 💙😘👦🏻and 2 sweet girls 💜💜😘😘🧒🏻👶🏻. Baby #4 (the finale) due August 2021. 👶🏻💙🙏🏼
I was listening to the radio yesterday where a woman said her mom friends shamed her because she said that if a bully was antagonizing her child, she told her child to hit back, rather than tell a teacher or higher authority at school. She said she didn't want to raise a wimp who isn't going to stand up for themselves and allow a bully to keep messing with them. 
So, would you/do you teach your child(ren) to fight back or do you teach them hitting is bad and to tell a teacher instead? All thoughts and opinions welcome.