Blood Test Results!!!

So just now, my primary care physician called me with the results of my blood test he did yesterday to say it was positive, and around 5-6 weeks. It just confirms what I already knew. I took a lot of pregnancy tests very early. He also said that everything else looked good. I didn't ask to have blood drawn, but I was there anyway as a Follow up to me quitting smoking, which already happened over a month and a half ago anyway. 
I am just excited and happy for further confirmation from what I already knew. I have some people in my life, like my bff who criticized me for taking too many tests and said I was driving myself crazy for no reason. Screw her. The doctor did this for me as a courtesy and also sent it to my OBGYN's office for my appointment next Monday. 
Sorry, just had to get this off my chest. Anyone else going through this?