Valentine's day😔

so i flew to be with my long distance fiancé for a few months, and he made plans for us for Valentine's tomorrow; he was going to cook dinner for me. simple, but we decided not to go out coz everywhere would be so busy due to the occasion and i have social anxiety. so yeah... he was going to cook, which i was really looking forward to coz he loves cooking, and he's really good at it. so this morning, he says 'oh shit!'. he hasnt bought any of the food for it, doesnt even have the equipment for the dessert... and he's working today so we cant get everything now. so now we're going to get take-out food... which isnt that romantic at all!😔
i just feel so let down... he's had this planned for weeks! and what made me really mad is then he turned around and blames his mom for not buying the stuff!! it wasnt her responsibility to buy it!
am i right for feeling hurt and let down, and angry sat how he talked to his mom?