need advice. husband/spring break

My husband just informed me today his guy friends and him has planned a beach trip for spring break which is next week. He is 25 and I'm 29. I'm working full time and he is still looking for a full time job. All his friends are 22-25 and single. Well learned tonight while hanging with his friends they are going to Panama City (spring break central)  and others are coming from other areas and girls are going. Well I don't think that's a place for a married man and also pissed because I was never once invited. He thinks I'm controlling but why does a married man think that's ok? Also when I asked him about details earlier today he didn't know any but later with his friends seem like he knew all of them. Help! Am I being a crazy wife...
So I have tried talking to him and he just says he doesn't want to talk because he is upset and really wants to go. Told him I'm not going to tell him he can't go but he has a week to decide. Feels like he wants to be married and do whatever he wants to do with out considering me. I don't understand men. Any decision I make I always try to put his feelings first. 
Update: we talked some today about everything. He says there is nothing wrong with a guys trip which he is right. I don't mind but not a wild spring break trip. Told him I was upset I didn't get invited so he was like goneith us. Well I feel like he is saying that because he knows I can't go. I have work and my first niece is due any day now. He keeps saying I won't cheat on you. If it was me I would never plan something and not include him. I'm just hurt and stress about this all thing