my birth story

I'm finally settling down & have some time to share my birth story. 2 weeks ago tomorrow, I gave birth to my precious baby boy. I was scheduled to be induced on february 24th @ 5am. so me & hubby went to enjoy our last dinner alone.. got my belly stuffed, went to use the bathroom before we left & then my water broke.. right there in olive garden! so me & my husband rush home, start throwing things in a bag (I was going to pack my bags that night.) haul ass to the hospital & get checked in @ 4:30pm. I was only 3cm. I got the epidural within an hour of being there.. so I didn't even feel a contraction. the epidural made me extremely sick though. I ended up taking a little nap & then the nurse came in to check me & told me it's time to start pushing. I started to freak out! waking up to being ready to push was not what I expected lol. after 15 mins of pushing my baby boy phoenix elijah was born at 3:45am @ 37w6, weighing 8.6oz. my birth experience was not what I expected.. especially after spending weeks obsessing & reading story after story on here. I had the best experience.