
My husband and I got pregnant in October '15. We ended up having a complicated miscarriage that December-it was eventually decided that it was labeled as a partial molar pregnancy after seeing multiple specialists in multiple states. We were told that because of my hcg levels we couldn't start trying again for 6 months after my levels returned to normal (which took about 6 months after my miscarriage and 2 d&c's). That brought us towards the end of 2016. We started trying again in October of 2016. I was tracking everything and was super on top of when I was ovulating and stuff. Still no luck. In February, I told my husband I wanted to stop tracking and stop "actively" trying-meaning I didn't want to think about when I was ovulating and stuff like that. Well, apparently that worked, because earlier this week I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! I've felt so much calmer and more confident about this pregnancy than the last one, so I'm hopeful that this is a sign that everything happens for a reason and when something is meant to be, it will be! Wishing all of you a healthy pregnancy, and remember that no matter what happens, things have a way of working out for the best!