Was not expecting that.... birth!+!

Well I don't think I've ever been through something so intense in such a short space of time. Here's my daughter jasmine born on 7th March at 39 weeks. Woke up about 5.30am to have wee and felt a little uncomfortable. Fell back to sleep for an hour and woke up with some light cramping, really irregular timings... only about 6 contractions in an hour. Decided to get into a bath and called the labour ward who said to stay where I am until my contractions were 3 mins apart for 2 hours.... ha well 50 mins later I call back as for the last 20 mins I feel like I have been contracting constantly... Lady on the phone says it still sounds like early labour and did I want to come in? She suggested I stayed at home.... so pleased we decided to go in... got to he hospital an hour later with an urge to push for about the last 10 mins. Quick exam... 10 cm dilated... baby on the way, turn around on the bed to get comfortable waters break, no time for pain relief... gas and air hadn't started to take effect yet.. then 4 contractions later she is born.... had no time to get my head around what was happening.... but it was amazing!!! The poor midwives were still setting up the room by the time she was born.. I knew I needed to trust my own body when it was telling me to get my arse I gear and get to hospital.... still in early labour my arse ha!!! Really pleased with myself that I did it completely naturally... but would have loved to have a little something to take the edge of especially as I had a 2 degree tear... and grazing... who wants to hear word grazing when they are talking about lady bits... still makes me shudder. Anyway sorry about the lengthy story.... absolutely in love.