
So on Monday March 6th I went to labor and delivery due to "minor contractions." Turns out I wasn't feeling them enough and they weren't concerned. But the last 30 mins of my observation they noticed I had high blood pressure. They rolled me onto my side and my blood pressure went down so they sent me home. I had to make an appointment on Wednesday March 8th for a blood pressure take at my usual clinic. I got there and sat down. Shortly after I got called back. She took my blood pressure and it was just a little high. She said we would wait 10 minutes and see if it went down. It just went up. So the doc came in and tested my reflexes and they weren't that reactive. So he said I needed to head to L&D again for a 24 hour urine collection. He was confident I would be staying the night. So we got there and checked in. I was immediately put in the monitors and blood pressures tooken every 5 minutes. They were all high. So they decided to keep me over night. Our first nurse noticed i had been contracting on my own. The night nurse didn't want to believe it at first.. She seemed like the type of nurse that was fake nice. Hubby didn't like her. Early in the morning, while sleeping I had some better pressures and hubby was confident they would send us home. At 7 am the doc that sent us to L&D came in and said the was a good chance we would be induced. My labs were okay, but my blood pressure along with headaches, blurred vision, and hypertension, he thought it was the right thing to do. So I get to go to a bigger room, cancel my breakfast and get comfy. I had been 5 cms dialted and the doc broke my waters at 11 am. It started contractions immediately 2 minutes apart so I had gotten a pain killer put into my drip. About an hour passes and I'm a solid 6 cms now. So I get my epidural and relax. I fall into a super light sleep for awhile and had to wake up to change sides. Then doctor comes in and says I'm 7-8 cms. Making progress!!😄 About an hour after, I then start to feel some contractions and she checks... 9.5 cms with just " lips of my cervix left." Peanut ball was put between my legs and I was on my right side. Then I felt like I had to push! She comes in and checks, says I'm a 10 cms and has me practice pushes. She then goes and tells my doc that I'm ready. She comes in, has me push like 3 pushes and decided to let me labor longer. So back to the peanut ball... this time on my left side. I had BAD pain in my left hip. It felt like he got stuck or something? I'm not sure. But it had me tears. I pushed the epidural button. Oh god... the having to poop feeling... I'm literally pushing with every contraction because I HAD TO! LOL I just couldn't stop. So finally hubby gets nurses back and she does a couple practice pushes with me. Then she alerts my doctor. She comes in and basically teaches me how to push. I then went to town. It felt like my vagina was gonna tear super bad. I looked at my husband and cried "it hurts so bad!!!" He giggled and said "baby his head is right there! Your doing so good, just keep going..!" So I kept at it. The student nurse was taking pictures the whole time. She got pretty good ones!!😍 But, I can say I did it. In labor 5 hours, pushed for 15 minutes and my son arrived 😍💙💚

Born at 4:05 pm

Weighing 7.11

Length is 21 inches

His original due date was the 27th:)