i feel disgusting..

mikayla • mommy to a princess 💖 Due: April 8th, 2017
ive never ever been one to feel bad about myself or to feel insecure in any way. ive always loved myself and the body im in. Im 36 weeks pregnant and have never felt so shitty about myself. I wouldnt feel this way if my fiance didnt make it so obvious that hes unnatracted to me. i used to never have an issue getting sex from him and now its like i have to beg and in the end i dont feel satisfied i feel shittier and worse because i know he only did it because he feels obligated. He used to compliment me constantly and now im lucky if i get a compliment once a month. im not exaggerating at all, ive been making the extra effort to get dolled up for him while hes working so when he comes home he'll feel attracted to me but that doesnt work, he ignores all of my efforts. i completely changed my hair and he didnt even notice. He sits at the end of the couch far away from me, and groans when i ask for cuddles or affection. i always see women on here complaining about this and i always feel so bad for them and how they feel and now im in this category. i keep the lights off when i do get him in bed because i dont want him to get turned off when my clothes come off. most of the time i wont even take my shirt off and i keep it down over my stomach. he doesnt get into it at all anymore and it honestly hurts so damn bad.. i feel so ugly and disgusting. i want to feel attractive again, i want positive attention from him again i miss the affection and the intimacy. im not sure what to do about it i have break downs because of it constantly.. im just going to stop asking for it.. it just hurts worse everytime i see how bad he tries to get out of it. vent over..