I did something stupid.

I started dating a guy, then got pregnant almost a year into the relationship. always wanted to be a mom and was happy, excited. a year later, we got married. thought it was the right thing to do. we have a daughter together, we're living a married life. why not? now it's 6 months into our marriage and I cannot stand this man. he's become an alcoholic. he never wants to do anything. he blames me for everything. he always tells me to "get a job" (I'm the one that takes care of our daughter 24/7) but tells me to be a stay at home mom because we don't like the idea of daycare nor have anyone that could help keep her. he can't help me with her at all but tells me how "easy" I have it. I'm "lazy." etc etc etc it's a bad, toxic relationship and I want out. I really feel like I only truly got married because I wanted to share the same name as my daughter.. I just don't know what to do. part of me wants to stay for her. I feel like I could put up with him and be civil, for her. I grew up with parents that divorced before I was one. it would be the same for her and it breaks my heart. I hated having a split family and step parents. I can't stand the idea of having to share her with him. or another woman trying to take my place.. makes my blood boil just thinking about it. we could try marriage counseling? but would that honestly work? I'm not so sure I want to be with someone that has treated me in the ways that he has. should I start going to counseling by myself first? guys, I need help on figuring out what to do.. so please, give me your honest opinions. I can't talk to family about this and I don't have any friends.