Would you leave him?

He massages your feet
He makes you food
He compliments you all the time
He wants to shower with you every day
He takes pictures of you 
He does all the things you like
He's not mean to you
He treats you like a princess
You can't like/comment on any picture with a male. 
You can't wear certain clothes that he thinks it's too revealing 
He wants your location on, if there's nothing to hide, why is that a problem he says. 
He gets mad really easy, not at you, but if something pisses him off it shows. For instance, he'll punch the wall or door. 
If you don't feel like having sex, he gets upset. He don't get mad at you , but he'll be quiet for the rest of the day. 
He don't like me adding people back on Snapchat or instagram if it's a guy. Even though you have no intentions to cheat on him & you've never gave him any reasons to have these kind of trust issues. 

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