Anyone have endometrial hyperplasia?

Kasey • Lost my first angel - 8/22/18 10w
Has anyone heard of this or have any experience with it? I just started back with my RE after 2 years off and I had a ultrasound yesterday. My lining was 17mm which is over normal range. My doctor told me it could just be because I haven't had a normal period recently. Today I had another HSG since mine was so long ago and she said my uterus looked abnormal, my right tube is inflamed and my left tube was blocked. She explained it could be from too much lining build up but they want to be sure. My last HSG was normal. My nurse called and they want to schedule a endometrial biopsy on Monday. Of course I googled it and this was a condition that came up. Sounds like what I have PCOS, irregular periods, etc. One thing that freaked me out was the very high risk of uterine cancer. Just trying to get some insight if anyone has any experience with this. Please talk me down from my panic attack.