Balancing 2 kids alone. Tips?

My oldest daughter is 4 yrs old and I just had my second daughter 5 weeks ago. My husband just started a new job as a police officer and his hours are all over the place and most of the time he's working when I need him most, 5-10pm, the witching hour. 😫
I stayed home with my eldest as a baby and handled her fine alone as he worked odd hours with the Army then. But now, with 2 kids, I'm really struggling with balancing their needs. I've tried setting a schedule around baby's 6pm bedtime and it has yet to work. All for different reasons every time. I feel like I'm letting my eldest down. Putting her needs aside to handle the baby. She shouldn't have to watch a movie every afternoon and eat a hurried dinner at 7pm. 
I've thought about wearing the baby in the Ergo so I can focus on my eldest since all th baby wants is to be held. I'm just worried about her becoming dependent on the Ergo for bedtime. Any suggestions for getting through this time of day alone? I can't even cook dinner for us and it means a lot to me to keep dinner time as family time for us even if my husband isn't there.