New here...

Hey ladies! My name is Brittany. Andy and I started TTC in December by just not being careful because it was so simple 11 years ago. Well, it's clearly not anymore! I know it hasn't been that long but I want my body to be as ready as possible. I currently smoke 4 cigarettes a day and I know I need to quit, I don't even know why I smoke since I don't do it that much but does anyone have any tips? I'm a bartender very part time so it kind of "comes with the territory" because everyone I work with smokes so that's a hurdle. Any help (without judgment please, I know it's bad for me) will do. When I had my first almost 11 years ago it was so easy, I just stopped the minute I found out I was pregnant and that was it. But now that we are trying I want to stop NOW!!