Switching birth control & period


Heey guys ♡

So I decided to stop taking my combined pills last month for some medical reasons and I am supposed to be due my 'bleed' today (11th) if I continued taking those pills. However on Tuesday (7th) my nurse changed me to the Progesterone only pill.

Will this have an effect on my period because I know the Progesterone only pill sometimes doesn't make you bleed at all. However I get really conscious if I don't get a bleed.

Or my actual period will come a bit later? Since the due period today would have just been the bleed from taking the combined pill from before.

I've been getting really bad cramps and pms type symptoms for the past few days so I think I might start my period however I'm not really sure :/

I hope I made sense, and if any of you can help I would really appreciate it!!!!