Okay so I'm 15 (16 in a month) and the guy I like is 17, he's soo attractive to me and I love everything about him. 

So like 4 months ago my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me :/ and I'm at the point where I just miss having a relationship and I have found another guy who I am crazy for! But it's also like I don't want any bullshit and I hate being played around and I'm not waiting around for a guy to make up his mind about me like he either likes me or he doesn't haha

But this new guy lets call him Mr sexy 😂 he has told me he really likes me and he wants a relationship with me and all that but we need to wait a month or 2 cos he does MMA fighting and he said it gets really busy and stressful leading up to his games so he said it's up to me if I still want to be with him after I know what it's like. And to me that's quite mature of him amd he's respecting me. 

But....recently it's like he's been a completely different person 😭 like if I don't message him then I won't hear from him for days. At school he sees me and ignores me and if I ask him what he's doing on the weekend he pretty much makes up excuses and avoids me :( and normally I'm the type of girl to just say like whatever just forget you even met me cos there's no way I'm sticking around for that shit. But I asked him if everything is okay and he just said yes and that he still likes me and can never stop thinking about me and all that. But then he goes straight back to like 1 word replies like "yep, yeah" and stuff like ahhh idk 😭 

So my question is: have you ever had a guy problem like this where he avoids/ ignores you but then keeps telling you he likes you? And what did you do about it or what should I do about it. Cos I know he does actually like me but I hate how he just never messages me and ignores me but literally 2-3 weeks ago he was fine! And he was sending decent replays and love hearts and engaging in conversation and seeing me on the weekends and at school. But he's like changed :(( 

And his fighting preparation hasn't started yet so it's nothing to do with that :/Â