TWW-9 DPO-Going Crazy!

Hi everyone,
I'm currently 9 DPO today and I am getting so so impatient waiting! We did the BBD on peak 1 and peak 2 of my clearblue fertility monitor OPK results and with Wondfo being positive those days.
Since then I have been tracking what I feel are symptoms, but again it could potentially all be mental.
•I feel bloated
•I have headaches 
•TMI-my nipples feel sensitive almost like a mild burning sensation (just within the last day) and are a bit sensitive all over my boobs
•TMI- my sex drive is high surprisingly especially since I feel exhausted
•I also feel tired in my eyes and throughout my body 
•I have mild cramping and almost like a weird feeling in my lower stomach that I have not experienced before 
AF is not due until the 16th.
I know I know it's early but I couldn't wait and tested with Wondfo and got a negative this AM. I am feeling so impatient and don't know how to calm my nerves. I have tried to stay busy but I just can't get my mind off it.
Anyone else feeling this way?