Started the pill today!

I always feel really self centered and dumb when I talk about myself, but I'm pretty excitied and I wanted to jot some stuff down so I can look back at it in the future.
I'm 16 years old, and I have been struggling with depression for around six years, and mental illnesses/disorders for as long as I can remember. There has been little to no improvement, and believe me-- I've been dragged to lots of different doctors for my unimportant problems. I've been wanting to go on the pill for a couple of months now but my mother often shrugged it off, saying that my periods "weren't bad enough for it," although it occasionally affects my daily life to the point where I can't even walk without feeling the need to hurl. 
I finally was able to take my first pill today, after THREE doctor's reccomendations for mood regulation purposes. Either way, I'm just glad I can hopefully find some relief! (and I'm also really hoping it'll help with acne! Knowing my luck it probably won't, but I could really use a bit of self confidence right about now 😂) 
Anyway, I'm curious-- what are your experiences with the pill? I know it's not a cure-all, but I'm definitely hoping for a positive change. 
Hope everyone has a great day!