Tanning question 🏝☀️⛱

Background: I am a very pale girl. We're talking still-burn-with-highest-working-SPF pale. 
I've always loved my pale skin, but I'd actually like to go outside this summer without frying. 
My boyfriend and I are also going on a trip to Mexico or Florida this year and I'd like to get a base tan to protect my skin before we go. 
✨Note: I'm aware of how damaging tanning beds can be and will not be using them regularly, only to get a base tan. This is not what this question is about, so please no preaching.✨
So now to my bigger dilemma: I'm severely allergic to all nuts and I've found that most tanning lotions contain almond oil or walnut extract. Does anyone know any brands that don't? I can't put that on my skin. I'd also hope that the beds would be cleaned well between uses so there wouldn't be cross-contamination if someone used a lotion with those in it. 
Secondly: If I'm too pale to safely tan in a bed, I'm still curious to see what I'd look like tan and I'd be open to trying a spray tan. Problem is, instead of using a water-based moisturizer, lots of companies opt for using walnut extract instead (it's cheaper). Anyone know of a nut allergy-safe type of spray tan?