I Think I'm pregnant.

So I think I'm pregnant and I have a lot of symptoms. I've been throwing up on and off for about a week and a half including nausea. My boobs are very very tinder and sensitive. Been really moody, peeing a lot more then usual, cramping kinda having sharp quick pains, back has been hurting. Been super sleepy. My throat and ear has been hurting and nose is stuffy. Everyone thinks I'm pregnant. Even I do at this point but already took two pregnancy test both said negative. But I think it is because I'm still early last test I took was on Friday morning. I just need advice please. My boobs have never hurt or anything this is the first time happening. I never cramp before my period. All of this is new to me. I honestly can't even eat anything if I do I end up throwing up and now it seems I got a cold all Of a sudden so now I'm dealing with this too.