Do you think he meant it?

Ok its been 6 months since he propose to me. When he propose to me on my birthday when he came home from work with NO RING. But i was really sick 2 days before my birthday I OverDose on pills. I didnt wake up. Everybody in my house tried to wake me up. I was stiff my face was purple i didnt move at all i was curled up. My "fiance" was the only one called for help. I was on bed rest for the whole week, they let me go home on my birthday. Anyways. Things been running thru my mind. Like is that why he propose cause i nearly lost my life? He felt sorry? Cause im still waiting for a ring. I dont feel like im engaged at all. I keep tryamna plan things out but he just says "whatever idc" i mean idc you can buy me a 20$ ring or something. I want to feel like im gonna get married. But it feels like he doesnt want to at all. All he cars bout is buying his TRUCK. I try talking to him but he mever listens & just ignores me & calls me a "dumb bitch" when i cry he gets mad and calls me a "cry baby bitch" & hits me & told me he never should of called for help shouldve left me dead. I just wanna work shit out. But i feel like giving up idk whats real at all. I feel lost & dead