Power pumping?

Katie • High school sweethearts! We have been together since 10.19.07 (Married since 10.19.13).We have 1 Angel baby❤ March2016. 1 Girl 02.07.17, 1 Boy 05.18.18, & Girl 04.07.22

Baby girl is 5 weeks old. I go back to work next week. We did an all bottle day to see how many ounces she will eat. Looks like 3oz pleases her good/ 5 bottles during my usual work hours. I am worried I don't have enough milk storage... everyone says you produce what baby needs & I believe it because I pump usually about 3-5oz. Been pumping right before bed & first thing in the morning.

If I do a week of "Power Pumping" to build my supply will it cause me to leak & be engorged? I work 9hour shifts and will probably only be able to work in 1 pump session in the middle of my shift so I need to be able to pump more during that session than the usual 3-5oz