It was exactly our due date, we were dilated to a 4, and about 50% effaced

It was exactly our due date, we were dilated to a 4, and about 50% effaced. The midwives were SO shocked that we hadn't had her yet. We went in for our 12 o'clock appointment, did a membrane sweep, and scheduled our induction for monday. Got home and started having cramping that turned into contractions that were 4 minutes apart! 4 o'clock I hurt down my phone so I can give my midwife a call and I had several missed calls from her.. turns out that she was trying to get me in for an induction that night! But clearly she was coming anyways. 6:30 we make it to the hospital, get admitted, and settle in. Things were progressing very slowly.. at about 6 and a half cm they broke my water and 25 minutes later I was ready to push! Charlotte Grace made her appearance at 1:04 AM Friday March 10th ♡