FINALLY baby #2

Me and hubby have been TTC for a little over a year with baby #2 and no such luck, tracking everything and work and other things were starting to stress me out. So December 30th we officially tied the knot and decided we would "stop trying" and just see what happens because maybe we would be doing things right...even my little one is asking for a baby! Well I haven't been feeling very well but the family had gotten sick so figured it was just what everyone else had but decided to test and it's POSITIVE!! Going to the doctor to confirm but they said I couldn't schedule an appointment till I'm at least 8 weeks, which is hard because I'm not even sure when we conceived. I've also been cramping and having pains in my vagina (that general area) so I'm hoping they can check me when I'm there tomorrow. I'm really nervous but can't show because it's making hubby worry. Any idea what the pains could be and are they normal?