My princess Raelyn Joyce was born March 3, 2017

My princess Raelyn Joyce was born March 3, 2017. My husband is in the military. I found out at four weeks that I was pregnant. I had regular prenatal visits with the doctor. My was getting ready for a deployment and at twenty-six weeks I decided to come home to Chicago so I could have some help with my son and newborn daughter. It was rough trying to find a doctor that would take me so far along in my pregnancy. I eventually found one and she was amazing. I had my first prenatal visit with her at twenty-seven weeks and I told her that I wanted to try a vbac. We talked about it and how my son was born via emergency c-section. While talking to her we both agreed on a repeat c-section. I was a little heartbroken but she just wanted what was best for the baby. I continued to go to my prenatal visits. At this time I was communicating with my husband through email. He was able to come home so he could be there for the birth of our daughter. My doctor was surprised that he was home because in the beginning I had told her that he wouldn't be able to make it. At my 36 week check up my doctor and I talked about getting my membranes swept because my husband only had a limited amount of time to be home. On march 2 I went and had my membranes swept to try and have a vbac and she said if that didn't work then to come back Friday morning. On march 3 at 9 in the morning I went in to my appointment to get checked and she told me that I was 6-7 cm dilated and to head to the hospital. So my husband and I headed to the hospital. I went up to labor and delivery and labored for nine hours before my doctor came in and checked me. I was stuck at 7 cm dilated. At 6 that evening my doctor came in and said that we are going to do the repeat c-section. On march 3 at 6:27 pm I had my little baby girl. She weighed 6 lbs 2 oz and was 21.75" long.
Raelyn Joyce