Ladies I need to vent

Just randomly checked my SO email and found out that he recently exchanged emails with some lady he used to work with and with whom he was friends with benefits. I think what irritates me the most is the fact that he initiated the conversation by saying " hey what's up". Then as the conversation progressed - he asked the lady what's been up with her , to which she responded " life has been hard without u especially as u stoped taking care of me- lol" . Then my SO responded " awww I guess u miss me huh" and she responded back with  "Lol" then the conversation ends there for a while - then she comes back to say " how have u been "  - my SO didn't reply then went ahead to delete all the email conversation. Then he called me on FaceTime and we talked all evening and then he went to sleep . I constantly checked his emails to see if the conversation continued but I guess it ended there. ( I checked past emails and apparently my SO and this lady communicate only by email - I think she is in a relationship or something- not sure ) but that's how I found out they were friends with benefits - my SO had terminated what they had coz she fell in love with my SO and wanted more thsn just casual sex I guess but my SO told her in the email that " that's not the arrangement we had- I told u I was "freelancing" "And she had responded that she knew my SO didn't want to be with her coz of her kids. However all this happened before I met my SO. I really just feel hurt that he reached out to her. Why would he do that ? I know he loves me and wouldn't do anything to hurt me. But why will a married man suddenly reach out to an old fling? Should I ask him about it or ignore it? I am confused as I really don't want him to destroy the trust I have in him.