Breastfeeding and Allergy medication

So, I've religiously been taking an allergy pill almost every day of pregnancy and almost every day sonce my son has been born. My allergies are annoying as heck and at night I can barely breathe through my nose because of it. I started to notice that my milk supply was running out fast all of a sudden and my 6 and a half month old was left looking for more milk when I was out of it. I felt so bad! I looked online if there was anything I was doing that could possibly be hindering my supply and OF COURSE - ALLERGY MEDICATION CAN DIMINISH MILK SUPPLY! I stopped taking my allergy medication and my supply shot right back up and my son ends upwitha much fuller belly and I can hear the milk swish around in his tummy sometimes when he plays after eating (like if he decides he wants to jump up and down its accompanied by ~slosh~slosh~slosh~ in his tummy). The damn allergy pills were cutting my sipply and I didn't even know it. I'm suffering a bit from my allergies but I could care less because I'd rather have my son have a full belly than have me be comfortable. Plus he thinks my sneezes are funny, so that's another bonus right? Lol 😜