How many days a week are you allowed to see your bf/gf if you still live with your parents!?!

I'm doing this to show my mom.. and just to see for myself how crazy she is! I can't stand not getting to do and go places. Especially because  I'm such a busy body!! But when she keeps me away from my boyfriend.. that's where problems start to occur for me... I honestly can't take this anymore.. it's just her way and her rules, and I can't do anything because I live under her roof, I've tried talking and explaining and basically everything else... so idk what to do. I guess suffer 🙂 Btw I'm 18 and will be 19 in May.... only 2 short months 😭😭 I just can't help but to think.. my gosh when I turn 20 does she honestly think she can keep my here? Because... no. She can't. Idk y'all. Just give me ya vote and pray for my physcho mom please 😭😂

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