almost 2 years later

May 30th 2015 was a night that changed me forever. I went to a friend's house to hangout, and yes hookup. He was a little bit drunk but we were having fun. We go to the bedroom and start having sex, then he tells me to turn around. I willingly did, as i thought that he wanted it doggy style. He jumped ontop of me and jammed his penis into my bottom. I atarted to cry in pain and told him to get off, he didnt. Again i cried and said no and tried to get away and he held me down. When he was finally done he got up like nothing happened. I was afraid he was going to hurt me again and i acted like everything was ok, so i could leave. I told him i would be right back, got in my car and sped out of the driveway and got the hell outta dodge. I was in shock with what happened and was hysterical. I ended up driving an hour back to town and went straight to a friends house. I told her and her mom what happened, and they advised me not to tell because i was still married. I bled for a day out of my bottom. Now here we are almost 2 years later and i still have flashbacks to that night. Is it too late to report the rape? I do have my friend who can testify if need be, and i have pictures of my bottom the next day after it happened. (I was ripped badly). If i did finally report it, who would i go too? It happened in Illinois, i was then living in missouri.... and now im permenantly back in wisconsin. Confused on what to do.