Does your mother in law talk sh*^?

My mother in law seems to always talk poorly about me. She brags! About how I'm not good enough for her son. I'm not a bad person, I've never been arrested, done hard drugs (like two of her daughters have done meth while pregnant and smoked cigarettes through out the whole pregnancy) One was even a prostitue. Yet I work all night and because me and my fiancé currently share a car and I need it during the day to do all our grocery shopping or errands I have to take him or he has to get a lift. Especially. Or because I'm pregnant and I work over nights when I start to drive home I almost crash because I'm sick and start shaking from lack of sleep. I don't get to sleep in, I get a 3 hour nap, do chores all day and than have to work all night again. But I'm the bad guy because he had to take a lift twice. Luckily tomorrow we move down the street from my fiances work so I don't have to drive 24 minutes there and back and longer in traffic.
Anyone else have mother in laws that talk shit about them?
1: Yes all the time and it makes me upset!
2:Yes but fuck if I care, she can go suck it
3: No we get along great!

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