Got the best compliment!!!!

Catharine • There are two ways to behave: as if nothing is a miracle...or as if everything is. -Einstein
I'm not the most broke person in the world, but no single income can sustain four children and a six bedroom house without taking a hit. A few years ago I decided, for some reason, that I could learn to cut my childrens' hair myself. Since the learning to sew thing didn't work out...
The other day a mom took me aside at a birthday party and asked where I get my daughter's hair cut because ALL the girls keep asking for haircuts like hers. She literally didn't believe me when I told her it was a home cut. 
I know the hairdressers among us can probably tell lol, but I was really happy. That compliment made my day! 
I blame her cute face for making the haircut look better than it was. But it was cool in summer and grew out with a funky texture in winter.