feeling hopeless 😢😢

I've been off bc for almost two years now, took hubby and I 9 months to conceive on second round of 50mg clomid. I was so excited because it felt like it had taken forever to get pregnant and then sadly at 8 weeks my pregnancy ended in miscarriage. It was the worst thing I had ever gone through. I wanted that baby so bad and didn't understand why it was taken away from me after trying so hard to get pregnant. My doctor put me back on clomid in November. I thought I would get pregnant somewhat quickly since I had gotten preggo on my second month of clomid. Unfortunately after 3 months on 50mg clomid still no pregnancy. This past month I was out on 100mg of clomid. My 14 day ultrasound showed two follicles one was 32mm I forget the other one. Day 21 progesterone was at 46! Doctor said I wonder if you're pregnant. I started getting my hopes up and felt like I was getting pregnancy symptoms. Today I started spotting which usually means af is coming. Should be getting af tomorrow and feeling completely hopeless. It just seemed like this would be the month. Doctor said if I get af this month I'll be referred to a fertility specialist but I'm really scared I'll never be able to get pregnant again. Anyone out there in the same boat as me and can offer an insight or and suggestions...I want a baby so bad and feel like it just isn't going to happen. Hubby is getting deployed in may also which makes it even harder cause I know we'll be losing out on a few months which makes me even more upset 😢