My sweet Morgan Selene 3-13-17 ๐ŸŽ€

Lauren โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… โ€ข Mama to 1 wild little boy and married to a Police Officer ๐Ÿ’™ Baby girl due 3.13.17 ๐ŸŽ€
I was scheduled to be induced on my due date which was March 13th due to gestational diabetes. Mine was pretty much borderline and very diet controlled but that was my OB's policy. Sunday evening I started feeling what I thought were my usual BH contractions( i never felt contractions in my previous pregnancy) but my mom noticed the timing of them and told me she thought they were the real thing. I said okay whatever lol. Then i noticed i couldn't talk or stand through them and they were 4 min apart. About 20 min later my water broke. Got to the hospital and got all set up i lasted 3 hours before getting my epidural at about 11pm and slept the whole night until 5am. My epidural wore off on one side because of sleeping on one side and it was horrible to feel contractions on one side of my body. At around 6am they fixed this and i just laid there and let the epidural flow back to the other side. I felt some pressure and thought nothing of it. The nurse came to see how dilated i was but instead was met with my daughter's head ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ณ, she was still inside but basically ready to come out 10 min and literally half of a push later our sweet Morgan was born at 6lbs 10oz and 18inches! I am overjoyed with how smooth delivery was( my first one sucked) and how healthy my baby is. And so glad I went into labor on my own without needing the induction. She's in the NICU due to some feeding issues but we should all be going home tomorrow! Thanks for reading ๐Ÿ˜ฌ