pregnant or just late/irregular periods?

Soooo, I was suppose to get my period on the 4th, I am now 10 days late. I've been cramping since 2/15/17, Up until today. The week of the 15, I felt pressure in my lower stomach, backache, and really sore boobs. So I thought okay my period is coming.. no period, still cramps, dizzy, I feel tired but not exhausted, sore boobs for sure, and I've got a runny nose with a lot of sneezing. Typically I have noticed my periods are maybe 3-5 days late, but this has been the longest, and I'm concerned to
Why I've been cramping for almost 4 weeks? Any thoughts/recommendations help, I just don't wana get excited or anything, we are waiting until Friday 3/17, to take a test. I did take a test on 2/24 and it was negative.