Some tmi. POSSIBLE Implantation or AF

Chelcie • 27👱🏻‍♀️ Mum to 2 girls 🫶🏼 Adhd/Bpd 🧠 England 🌍
Af 1 day late. Probably 14-16 dpo
So after I got my vvvvvvvvvvvvfl yesterday but also it's likely the unreliable test from work, But  I also got a BFN with first response this morning..I got this today at lunch time. It stopped but then the 2nd darker one is from when I wiped again this evening. I think this could be AF, I've had some blood dripping out when I wee. And I'm getting pain in my abdo and vagina. I think I just want to be pregnant and that's probably why I'm writing this 🙄 should I wait and see if it stops again and then test? As a period should just get heavier rather than stop ..
Thanks ladies x  

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