Trying to have a baby

Hey guys so I'm new to this app I just started doing The temperature 🤒  thing and all that. so my boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years already he is 31 I'm 27 and we just start it TTC last month by him coming inside of me for the first time in years, I have never taken any birth control or nothing our biggest protection is or dearest friend the little hat 🤣 and today I got my period 🔴 I was literally 2 days late lol but we want to keep trying we are not in a rush thought if it happens happens the only thing that gets me nervous 😩 is that I just started a job a month ago and I don't wanna get fired for not being there a whole year I work at a private school they are really nice there love the job and I don't wanna lose it I read about that and it seems that if I get pregnant 🤰🏻 and they fired me that's discrimination here in FL what you guys think???? Other than that I feel ready tho well u never ready lol .. he wants a boy I want whatever👦🏻👧🏻 as long as it comes healthy any suggestion on how to make it a boy 👦🏻lol also what is the fastest  and healthier way of getting 🤰🏻 pregnant?? What ovulation tests do you guys recommend ?? How often should I have sex to get 🤰🏻 ???  And where can I get those HCG pregnancy tests?????  Is it a sign that eveytime I see a baby 👶🏻 I want one ??? I love 👶🏻...?? Is it true that if he well masturbates and/or we do oral a lot  is really bad for when u TTC or that's just myths ??? Sorry for the many questions I want to know what you guys think 💭 and any tips or advice would be welcomed 🤗❣️👶🏻👼🏻