weight loss buddies? happy healthier me here I come

So I'm doing something I've never I'm confessing where I am at starting weight wise and am going to update either weekly or bi weekly on here. I am starting weight at 273lbs. This is my heaviest I've ever been. My husband still makes me feel beautiful even in my lowest moments but I him encouraging me now that he's been losing is getting me motivated. The other night he told me I wish you could see yourself as beautiful as I see you. And that got me think. You know I want to get to a point that I feel as beautiful in my own skin as he has always seen me. I am going to do this for me, and to better my chances at conceiving when we decide to really try. If any of you beautiful ladies want to be weight loss buddies let me know! 
*UPDATE #1* 
I did my first weigh in after week one and I'm out of the 270s!! I'm into the 260s! Still way more than I want to be but Slow progress is better than no progress! I have lost 4lbs in a week!