Uterine fibroids


Hello all,


After a week long of being on medication for a "UTI" and having a "yeast infection" I now have to have a ultrasound done because I have been spotting/bleeding off & on since 02/27 till today (3/14). She started me on birth control to help slow or stop the bleeding so I'm hoping that will kick in soon. The doctor wants me to get checked to make sure I do not have fibroids on my uterus, before even telling me that I used webmd and research to see what it could be and a lot of information is coming that it could possibly be fibroids. My appt. Is on the 27th so I hope that I hear good news...also I am TTC (trying but not trying to stress it) my first born (almost a year) also reading if so some females once having them removed ended up pregnant. Has anyone had this problem before? Or been in my situation? Signed Tired of mother nature 😳 Baby dust to all!