Drugs while pregnant? wooooow

So my roommate which is also my best friend got pregnant by her boyfriend that also lives with us. I was so happy except for the fact I've been trying for a while with my fiancé with no luck but I have tried my hardest to put that aside to be happy for/with her. Well she is about 11 weeks pregnant and her and her boyfriend fight CONSTANTLY! He doesn't have his priorities straight and parties hard every weekend. This last weekend she convinced him to have his friends come to our house and we all ended up inviting some friends over and having a get together well my best friend asked me to come to the bathroom with her cause she needed to tell me something (nothing unusual) we get in the bathroom and she pulls out a bag of cocaine (I knew she did it occasionally before getting pregnant but figured she stopped considering there is a F***ING BABY inside her) I was like WOAH wtf are you doing? She continues to tell me "ITS NOT BAD FOR THE BABY if I just put it on my gums and teeth to get the numb feeling like not actually snort it" she says it's not enough to get to her babies system. Mind you this girl quit smoking cigarettes the second she found out she was pregnant. I just needed to rant about this considering I've been trying to get pregnant with no luck and she gets pregnant and is using cocaine. 
PS we live together for the simple fact we all get along not because we are broke. No need until now to live separate and spend double the money. 
PSS chances of her doctor finding out are slim due to cocaine only being in your system for 3-5 days